Saturday, December 22, 2007

An angel disguised?

Oh my own…What pains more?
Sting of a bee or the words so sore?
How could you bear my venomous tongue?
For all that crap and rotten dung

You proved then and yet again
You loved me more when I gave all pain
I squared you and saw you flamed
Oh my own… I’m ashamed!

Not a word or sigh came out
Patient lady; you heard me shout
You let me finish that entire roar
Oh my own… a sounding board??

Angel face with a heart to pardon
You made me realize what I’ve done
With no harsh words but a hug to cheer
I heard you whisper “I’m here”.

Your touch was true and love so real
It turned me sane or so did I feel..
Are you my wife or an angel disguised?
What did I do to get you in my life?

Should I write an ode (on you)
Or should I take an oath
But..Whatever I do
I’ll never hurt you.
