Thursday, September 09, 2004

Confessions of a Hedonist

It’s interesting to see how technological advancements have changed our lives. For example... take this blog.. One to crap and a thousand to read! Funny... but then it makes sense somewhere!

Unlike the usual blogs, I don’t want to give an account of personal glory at this corner! But to cook up with a topic everyday will again be a trouble. This makes me wonder how ekta kapoor and her likes manage to spin yarns out of nothing. Boy…SOAPs....

Aaah.. the funda behind these modern "epics" called SOAPs... as given by Parnab…

... initially the prime time serials, aired in the radio were aimed at house wives and where hence sponsored big-time by the soap manufacturers/ distributers like P&G and HLL... so these were basically called "soap operas"... shortened to SOAPs.. as we know them today.

Grrr... Quite a bit of garbage in the very first blog! Ciao… I plan to cook actually cook food tonight!!

Monday, September 06, 2004

A carpenter's dream

A carpenter's dream
