Trance of transition…
Saturday, 23 October 2004: Its midnight and Man Utd takes on Arsenal… 2 Crates of Beer Cans, Sri with a bunch of boys, a dozen Packs of cigarretes and a bucket filled to its quarter to serve the purpose of a mammoth ashtray.
Sunday, 21 October 2007: Its midnight and My Boss would take on my Arse if I don’t finish the report before 10 AM Tomorrow. By the way, set alarm at 4 AM to feed the baby.
Everybody goes through some transition or other… and they go through it at regular intervals. I think that’s life’s protocol. Come to think of it… the initial part of any transition is a state of trance. You feel like a Zombie… i.e. you don’t get to know that you are in a transition mode until the fag end. Suddenly, world looks different, priorities change, thoughts crystallize (foot smells, nose runs..) and you feel you are a “different you”.
Today… I care a damn if Man U wins or it’s Arsenal. I don’t even know if there’s a match happening tonight or if Thierry Henry nets it for Barca. Not that I have lost it for the game. Its like… my priorities have changed…. I know Aditi has her next dose of booster on 2nd of November and she weighs 12 kgs. We are majorly contemplating this idea of changing her solid foods from Dal Palak and Wheat Apple again. Should we be increasing Aditi’s intake of “NAN-2” from 4 Oz to 6 OZ?? Myriad questions and answers. The father in me takes the precedence…
From a Zombie to a Daddy… in 1000 days flat. Now.. that’s what I call transition. Or should I call it “trance-ition”.
Hang on… Somy’s calling….
What??? How much… 4 Ounces???